Jesús Almanza

Jesús Almanza


Originally from Tamaulipas, he made his debut in 1996 with the Queretaro State Philharmonic Orchestra. He holds a degree in Gregorian Chant from the Sacred Music School of Leon, Guanajuato, and a Bachelor's degree in Music, with a minor in instrument (piano) from the Ollin Yolitzli Life and Movement School; he also holds a master's degree in Modern and Contemporary Art. For a decade, he was pianist of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the State of Queretaro and layer assistant conductor of the same. He has taken orchestral conducting courses with Mexican maestros Sergio Cárdenas and Enrique Bátiz, and with Spanish maestros Ross Marbá and Jordi Mora. He has conducted different orchestras in Mexico, Italy and Spain. He is currently lead conductor of the OFEQ and of the Choir and Camerata Santiago de Queretaro. He is founding conductor and head of the Silvestre Revueltas Youth Symphonic Orchestra of the Arts and Music Conservatory of Celaya since 2005.
