Ana Lara

Ana Lara

She studied composition at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música (National Conservatory of Music) with Daniel Catán and Mario Lavista and at CENIDIM with Federico Ibarra. In 1983, she attended the Accademia Chigiana, and studied with Franco Donatoni, Brian Ferneyhough, and Salvatore Sciarrino. From 1986 to 1989, she studied composition at the Music Academy in Warsaw, Poland. In 2004 she obtained a Master's degree in Ethnomusicology from the University of Maryland, United States. She has been a programmer and artistic director of festivals and projects such as the Cervantino International Festival (2007-2009) and Escena, where she was a founder and general director (1998-2012). In 2014, she created Afinidades Insospechadas (Unsuspected Affinities), a platform for performing and multidisciplinary arts dedicated to collaborative works between different rhythms and musical disciplines, together with Jean-Paul Bernard (former director of the Strasbourg Percussions).

Since 1989, she has produced the radio program Hacia una nueva musica (Towards a New Music) on Radio UNAM. She was Cultural Counselor at the Embassy of Mexico in France and Director of the Cultural Institute of Mexico in Paris (2016-2017). In 2021 she founded, together with Luis Jaime Cortez, the digital magazine Sonus Litterarum.

She has been a jury of numerous national and international awards, teacher, and lecturer. She has had two monographic concerts in France (Nantes and Paris), performances of his orchestral music in the United States, Latin America, and Europe. Her music includes solo instruments, chamber music, orchestral, vocal, electroacoustic, and musical theater.
